The next Post meeting will be Monday February 3rd , 2025.
Doors open at 1730 for a social gathering. Meeting will start at 1830.
Bill Shaner (aka Santa Claus Bill) has passed and the American Legion with his family are having a celebration of life on February 8th at 11:00am at the Post building. Reception to follow.
American Legion Post 82 is celebrating 105 years of service to Elbert County. All members and their families are welcome to join us on March 8th at 1 pm at the Post for a celebration lunch and cake.
Please join us for a 95th Birthday celebration for Foster Drummond. Many of you know Foster as he is an integral member of many of our fund raising activities and coffee club. April 26th at 1 pm at the American Legion Post lunch provided.
Come and enjoy Friday night social time. Meet other veterans, tell stories, make friends. See you in the Foxhole at 4:00 to 8:00 pm every Friday.
Come and enjoy coffee, conversation and games every Wednesday from 8:00am to 12:00pm. See you there.
American Legion Post 82 Amateur Radio Club meets at POST 82 on the 4th Saturday of each month from 09:00 to 11:00 am.
Address: 228 S. Banner St. Elizabeth, CO 80107.
For more information contact Alan Beebe, ac0f, at ""
We will be holding license test session approximately every other month.
Here is our Face Book Link: American Legion Post 82 Amateur Radio Club
Each person wanting to test MUST preregister, use the link below to obtain a PIN number, which is used to take the test. Testing is FREE!
The information about the next test sessions to be held at Post 82 as well as other locations can be found at:
You may test on your laptop or tablet or a paper test.